Bøker av Maria Montessori:

The Absorbent Mind / Barnesinnet

The Discovery of the Child / Barndommens gåte

The Formation of Man

Education for a New World

What You Should Know About Your Child

To Educate the Human Potential

The Child, Society and the World

The Child in the Family

The Advanced Montessori Method I

Education and Peace

Education for Human Development

From Childhood to Adolescense

The Advanced Montessori Method II

Citizen of the World

The California Lectures


The 1946 London Lectures

The 1913 Rome Lectures

The Mass explained to Children


Maria Montessori speaks to Parents

The Secret of Childhood

The Montessori Approach to Music

Creative Development in the Child


Annen litteratur om montessoripedagogikk:

Angeline S. Lillard: Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius

Mario M. Montessori: Education for Human Development: Understanding Montessori

Simone Davies: The Montessori Toddler / Smårollingen

Trevor Eissler: Montessori Madness!

Rita Kramer: Maria Montessori: A Biography

Michael Duffy: Children of the Universe: Cosmic Education in the Montessori Elementary Classroom

Paula Polk Lillard: Montessori From the Start

Paula Polk Lillard: Montessori – a Modern Approach.

Paula Polk Lillard: Montessori Today

Tim Seldin: How to raise an amazing child the montessori way / Gi barnet ditt en harmonisk start med montessori