Første dag av lederkonferansen blir en hel dag med inspirasjon og utvikling for ledere og administrasjon i montessoriskoler og -barnehager. Vi er så heldige å ha fått med oss (fysisk!) den meget dyktige Sue Pritzker, som har mange års erfaring med å utdanne, bistå og veilede ledere innen Montessori.
Sue gleder seg til å bli bedre kjent med det norske montessorimiljøet og bidra til at dere alle får både inspirasjon og konkrete verktøy dere kan ta med dere videre i hverdagen som ledere i et montessorimiljø. Foredrag denne dagen foregår på engelsk.
Dagen deles i tre bolker, og blir en kombinasjon av foredrag, erfaringsdeling og praktisk workshop:
A Path toward Resilience
How does resilience, the ability to bounce back from difficulties and find balance in our lives, develop through childhood? How do we continue to be resilient as adults and specifically within the Montessori professional setting?
This workshop will explore the development of resilience and the many ways a Montessori environment supports children in building resilience in their lives.
Stages of Teacher Development
School leaders who have an understanding of the teacher’s cycle of development are better able to support that journey. What does that journey look like? How does the teacher change over 3 years, 5 years or 15 years? How do their needs change and what factors impact their renewal and longevity in their work?
All Communication Starts with Personal Communication
Whether we are working with children, engaging with parents, or collaborating within our professional communities, our ability to be present, to notice, and to express ourselves clearly will be the foundation of successful relations. This presentation will outline techniques that can help build authentic and lasting relationships and create a culture of caring and cooperation in our communities.
About Sue Pritzker
Sue graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with degrees in Sociology and Spanish. She worked as a teacher and administrator at Marin Montessori School before taking on the position of Head of School at Childpeace Montessori in Portland, Oregon in 1987. Sue helped to grow the school from 45 to 360 children and retired from that position in July 2020.
Sue was a founding member and Chair of Montessori Administrators Association for four years, and a founding member of the Montessori Leaders Collaborative. She has a certificate in Non-Profit Administration from Concordia College.
Sue is founder and presenter with Lead Montessori workshop in Prague and has been a speaker and presenter for NAMTA, AMI-USA, AMS and Oregon Montessori Organization, and a number of AMI training centers, currently Montessori Institute Prague, with a focus in primary classroom and administrative practice. She is on the board of Whole School Leadership and is a trainer for WSL. She is also an AMI trainer for the Administrators Certificate Course. A recipient of Oregon Montessori Association’s Outstanding Dedication Award, Sue has been an AMI-USA school consultant at the Primary level since 1985 and also does private consulting for teachers and schools.